Under 2018 we have imported three new puppies to Snaiper’s kennel – Northern Arrow’s Mackmyra (Myra) Finland, Ottercreek & Southpaw Jack of All Brids (Evert), USA and Southpaw’s Ottercreek Furiosa (Fury) USA. I’m happy and grateful to have found such fantastic people to take care of our new stars, welcome Linn Berglund, Christoffer Grönlund, Adam Dschulnigg, Karin Ekh Dschulnigg and Karin Ryberg to our Snaiper’s family. The puppies are now 5-7 months old and the exciting journey to educated bird- and hunting dogs has already started. We hope that the pups will become good hunting companions and great family dogs and that in due time they also can contribute to the hunting weimaraner community in Sweden.

Karin with Fury, Adam with Evert and Linn with Myra

Linn training steadiness with Myra

Adam and Evert training contact

Karin and Fury get to try out some bird contact